Learn about employing an apprentice in our FAQ section
As a business thinking about employing an apprentice, we are sure that you have many questions. Set Training & Resourcing is here to answer these questions for you and guide you through the process.

The first step is to get in touch with us and arrange a meeting. A member of our team will come out to visit your workplace and talk you through the full process of employing an apprentice as well as ensuring you can provide a suitable job role for an apprentice to flourish and learn in.
We offer a totally free recruitment service, but this doesn’t mean we cut corners and we take our recruitment very seriously. Firstly, we will meet with you to learn about the work environment and then the job role. Next, we advertise your vacancy over several platforms. Once we start getting applicants, they will be initially screened by our recruitment apprentice. They are then passed onto our Business Development Manager, who will have a telephone interview and a face to face interview with any suitable candidates. The final stage is an interview with you to find the right fit.
The only cost to you is the apprentices’ wage. There is a minimum apprenticeship wage, however it is recommended to pay at the very least minimum wage to help attract the best candidates. There are sometimes wage subsidies available and a representative from Set Training & Resourcing will research any additional apprenticeship funding which you may be eligible for.
By taking on an apprentice, you are essentially growing your own talent. You will get an ambitious young person who you can shape into the perfect employee and they won’t have any bad habits. You will be offering them an opportunity to gain real life work experience and they will be working towards gaining a qualification, all whilst getting paid for it, so you will create loyal and hardworking employees. It is a great alternative to taking on a graduate, as well as saving you a bit of money!
Our dedicated team can provide you with the information that you need to decide whether or not employing an apprentice is the right route for you.
If there are any other questions that you would like answered, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team to find out more about the process of recruiting an apprentice.
At Set Training & Resourcing, we come across businesses asking the same questions time and time again. Our dedicated team can provide you with the information that you need to decide whether or not employing an apprentice is the right route for you. If there are any other questions that you would like answered, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team to find out more about the process of recruiting an apprentice.