If you are just leaving school and you are considering your options on what to do next then, a modern apprenticeship might be one of the options that you are considering. This can be a difficult choice to make and especially at such a young age. To help you with this, we will discuss some of the reasons why modern apprenticeships might be the right choice for you. Make sure to keep reading to find out more.

Gives You Experience

One of the main reasons why you should consider an apprenticeship is because when you undergo an apprenticeship you will gain experience. Experience is crucial when it comes to employment because even if you have the qualifications, an employer is more likely to choose someone with experience and the qualification.

Earn While You Learn

The next reason why you should consider an apprenticeship is that you will be able to make money, all while you learn. This is a good thing because you will be able to focus a lot on your apprenticeship and not have to get other jobs on the side to make sure you have money. This is not something which is always possible with other kinds of qualifications.

Less Time

Another reason why you should consider an apprenticeship is because it takes a lot less time to complete an apprenticeship than it does to complete a university course or college course. This means that you will be able to get a qualification that you are looking for in around 1 to 2 years rather than a lot longer at a college or university. Depending on the apprenticeship that you choose, the amount of time it will take can vary so make sure you find out before you apply.

Many Options to Choose From

When it comes to applying for an apprenticeship, there are many options that you can choose from. This means that you will be able to find an apprenticeship that will allow you to follow your dream career. It also means that even if you don’t know what you want to do exactly, you will be able to choose from a wide range of courses and find out what you are interested in.


As you can see, there are many advantages to applying for an apprenticeship. If you are interested in applying for an apprenticeship then, make sure you get in contact with SET Training so we can help you. You’ll find plenty of vacancies on our site so have a look today.

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